Now Diving

Bangalore, India
For all the things I want to say, but don't, normally...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Soppy Opera. Not.

Well, yes. I watch Hindi soaps and its a number I can distinctly count on my fingers - 2. At my defense, these 2 soaps are pretty good, you must check it out sometime, its not a mother-in-law vs daughter-in-law saga, etc. So, I'm warning the men about this post - this is not going to be a techno-analysis or a sports update, you might want to take my advice and steer clear off it. In case of matters of curiosity, read on.

The soap I am talking about is called Mahi way and you could find a link for the page here. (Sony entertainment television may as well pay me for this). OK, Mahi, Big fan. I simply love this girl's persona - plump, smart, happy outlook, bold (but not brazen), super frank, clumsy and lovable. Not getting down to the nitty-gritty of the plot, its about this Girl, who's a confused 25 year old seeking stability and sanity, but doesn't want to let go of the craziness in her life. This show gives me a Television's grown up feeling and i can't wait for the late night screening of this show on Tuesdays.

Well, the point I'm making here is about the connection that I (and probably other 20 something women) have to this show. This girl, Mahi, makes me think. She's frank, you know, so frank that sometimes she ends up in situations where she probably curses herself endlessly soon after. This makes me go "me tooooooooooo! Damn I said that to him", more often than not. Yes, its mostly always a him. Actually I believe in the "What if there's no tomorrow" concept. Its this constant fear that I should actually go and tell someone something in case something drastic happens. Like- him moving away, not wanting to talk to me ever in his frigging life, trampling all over my feelings without having a clue, thinking I don't care when i actually do, thinking i care too much when i actually don't, misunderstanding etc (melodramatic?). This probably looks like a psycho impulsive persons thing, but trust me its not.

The point is I always want to set the record straight. Simple lines, and my complex interpretations.
You're cute (and you really need to know that but i'm not looking for anything more).
Coffee? (we can be really good friends, pretty please don't misunderstand this!)
Do you think we should meet sometime, would you come? (we need to sort confusion, and get back to being good friends)
We're good friends. (I really mean that, really!)
Menfolk, on the other hand are expert complicators. Everything, must be complicated, misunderstood and mismanaged. Situations must not be handled. This post is not about them though, hence i move on.

Back to the soap. The normal Mahi, almost married this Rich, hot, amazingly perfect guy (calling him Hotness) last night, and suddenly realised, at the mantap, that -> "Dude, you're perfect, for everyone else. I need more than just being a wife to someone like you". Aaannddd she leaves, saying "ktnxbye". I was cheering, and doing a mental wooohooo!! (Argentina was smashing Greece on channel 66 btw, not that i care). The dawn of realization and escape to freedom was, ummm inspriring. The least she could do was figure things out, for herself and for Hotness.

Overall, I think this was a very slick, well made show. Hotness was very hot. Best friend was also very hot, saw shades of my goofy best friend -male (guess who, quick?) in him. The dilemma's faced, the complexities of having crushes, well handled. Sadly, I think the show's wound up. Dammit!

Note to menfolk - ignore, or learn.
Note to women - love, check this out.
Note to crush - I'm harmless.
Note to Milind Soman - I love you.


  1. "Menfolk, on the other hand are expert complicators"

    LOL! how true!

  2. He he..nice post..:) Funny..including the pointer to HHC

  3. Gee. You really like bashing us menfolk. How about a post on "mansplaining"?

    Suggested Reading:

    3. [goes over Item 2 and adds more]

  4. Another thought, a friend of mine just commented about this post and said - "a really secure guy will see the funny side to it. that wud be the man."

    Mochachilo - E.P.I.C F.A.I.L

  5. I can clear picture having this conversation with you over the phone!.. lol... :)
